Tom Richardson – A True Mensh

A mensh is a particularly good person who can be relied on to act with honour and integrity. But the Yiddish term means more than that: it also suggests someone who is kind and considerate, who goes out of his way to help others. TOM RICHARDSON did a mitzvah for both our congregation and the city.

Not out of a sense of duty but with a joyous heart, he asked for permission to revitalize the eyesore that was the outside of the Sons of Jacob Synagogue located on the corner of McIntyre and Cassells. 

After Tom (right) received donations through a Gofundme website, he singlehandedly obtained free and reduced cost paint from Stewart’s Decorating, arranged a free lift from United Rentals for three weeks, paying only for delivery and pick up in lieu of the $2500.00 weekly rental cost and got a reduced rate for the electrical lights that will be installed on Cassells, plus arranged for Mike Foisy (left in photo) to give his expertise and brickwork gratis. This was only the legwork. 

In all kinds of weather, TOM RICHARDSON himself, working in sections, scraped and cleaned each brick before painting the entire building. His generosity to the Jewish community and to beautification of the city cannot be measured by any normal means. 

Tom, the Jewish community is beyond grateful. A simple,” Thank you,” is not enough. You are a true MENSH. The Jewish community and the city thank you. 


The Congregation of The Sons of Jacob Synagogue 

2019 Call For Entries: Annual Art Show and Sale

Show Date: Friday, 29 November 2019 from 18:00-22:00 at Sons of Jacob Synagogue. Sign up at the bottom of the page!

Drop off your artwork by appointment at 265 Sixth Ave West (please call 705-493-3601 first) during business hours, or at the synagogue on November 28th, from 6-9pm.

Drop-off Deadline: art must be received by November 28th, 9pm.


The congregation of North Bay’s Sons of Jacob Synagogue is seeking funds to help maintain their heritage building, located at the intersection of Cassells and Algonquin streets.

The group of artists who enjoy studio space on the second floor are hosting an art show and sale on November 29th (at the same time as North Bay’s Downtown Christmas Walk) to help the congregation meet their fundraising targets.

Any artist, of any age and experience level, may submit work to be sold during the event. Pieces submitted must be for sale, and we may restrict the size and number of pieces per artist, as space is limited. We request that artists donate a percentage of your proceeds to the building fund.

The synagogue will be open to the public during the event, so if you’ve ever wondered what this interesting work of architecture looks like on the inside, this is your chance to find out! Light refreshments will be served.

Vigil for Pittsburgh

October 29, 2018

My Fellow Canadians,

The Sons of Jacobs Congregation would like to invite you to a vigil service for those murdered at the Pittsburgh synagogue. Let’s gather in a display of fellowship and equality for our neighbors to the south.  We hope you will join us to show our sympathy for, and support of, these victims of evil. The service will take place on Friday, November 9th at 7pm. The Sons of Jacob Synagogue is located at the corner of Cassells and McIntyre.

Howard Kizell

2018 Call for Entries: Art Show and Sale in Support of Sons of Jacob Synagogue

Show Date: November 30th, 6-9 pm at Sons of Jacob Synagogue

Registration is now closed for this year. Thank you!

Drop off your artwork by appointment at 265 Sixth Ave West (please call 705-493-3601 first) during business hours, or at the synagogue on November 29th, from 6-9pm.

Drop-off Deadline: art must be received by November 29th at 9pm.


The congregation of North Bay’s Sons of Jacob Synagogue is seeking funds to renovate the exterior of their heritage building, located at the intersection of Cassells and Algonquin streets.

The group of artists who enjoy studio space on the second floor are hosting an art show and sale on November 30th (at the same time as North Bay’s Downtown Christmas Walk) to help the congregation meet their fundraising targets.

Any artist, of any age and experience level, may submit work to be sold during the event. Pieces submitted must be for sale, and we may restrict the size and number of pieces per artist, as space is limited. We request that artists donate a percentage of your proceeds to the building fund.

The synagogue will be open to the public during the event, so if you’ve ever wondered what this interesting work of architecture looks like on the inside, this is your chance to find out! Light refreshments will be served.

Impact: A Look at the Sons of Jacob Synagogue and North Bay’s Jewish Community

“IMPACT”: A Look at the Sons of Jacob Synagogue and North Bay’s Jewish Community

Opening at Discovery North Bay Museum April 17 at 7:00pm

North Bay, March 26, 2018

Discovery North Bay Museum is excited to hold an opening for “IMPACT”. This exhibit provides a glimpse of the impact of North Bay’s Jewish Community. It features photos that focus on local businesses, social life, military service, religious life, education, and civic involvement.

Creating this exhibit was a community effort that was led by museum volunteer Pat Moulson in consultation with Howard Kizell. The photos featured in the exhibit are from the Ontario Jewish Archives.

The Museum welcomes members of the Sons of Jacob Synagogue and the public to an opening reception at 7:00 pm on April 17th. Blueprints for upcoming renovations to the Sons of Jacob Synagogue will be on display for the opening. Donations for the building project will also be accepted.Location: Discovery North Bay Museum, 100 Ferguson Street, North Bay, ON

Exhibit Opening: April 17 at 7:00 pm

Please contact Museum Director/Curator Naomi Hehn (Rupke) for more information at:

705-476-2323 or

Discovery North Bay Museum

100 Ferguson Street

Art Show And Sale: Thank You

A big thanks to everyone who participated in the Art Show and Sale at Sons of Jacob this past Friday, during the annual Christmas walk.

The congregation wishes to thank the artists who put their work up for display: Jacqueline Curry; Pat Stamp; Howard Kizell; Belle Kizell; Denise Ribson; Alexandre Tremblay; Allan Hirsh; Alisha Jondreau; Arlie Hoffman; Eric Modeen; Fran Hanover; Carolyn Cole; Lori Nickerson and Stephanie van Doleweerd.

The show was a success, with hundreds of dollars raised for the renovation fund. Thank you to everyone who came to browse, and who supported the artists and the local Jewish community!

Open Call for Entries: Art Show and Sale in Support of Sons of Jacob Synagogue

Show Date: November 24th, 6-9 pm

How to Enter: fill out the registration form here. We will contact you to arrange for pickup or delivery of your items.

Submission Deadline: art must be received by November 22nd at 5pm


The congregation of North Bay’s Sons of Jacob Synagogue is seeking funds to renovate the exterior of their heritage building, located at the intersection of Cassells and McIntyre streets.

The group of artists who enjoy studio space on the second floor are hosting an art show and sale on November 24th (at the same time as North Bay’s Downtown Christmas Walk) to help the congregation meet their fundraising targets.

Any artist, of any age and experience level, may submit work to be sold during the event. Pieces submitted must be for sale, and we may restrict the size and number of pieces per artist, as space is limited. We request that artists donate a percentage of your proceeds to the building fund.

The synagogue will be open to the public during the event, so if you’ve ever wondered what this interesting work of architecture looks like on the inside, this is your chance to find out! Light refreshments will be served.